Friday, November 15, 2019

Essay --

Question 2 a Unified Process would be an appropriate choice for this project. Way of Thinking – Unified Process is a predictive and adaptive approach of software development methodology based on object oriented principles. (Satzinger & Others, 2005) It is use case driven approach focused on developing the system incrementally by delivering the captured functional requirements in iterations. (So-Young & Ho-Jin, 2005) Creating different artifacts throughout the development process eliminates the possibility of undefined requirement and miscommunication. (Rational, 1998) Modularity embedded in the process allows developing and delivering of system in components. Maintaining software quality and requirement changes are integral part of process. (Daoudi & Nurcan) (ISQA 8220 Notes) Way of Working – UP is use case driven methodology developing system iteratively and incrementally thereby adding flexibility to process. This flexibility allows us to quickly react and afford frequent changes during development process. (Satzinger & Others, 2005) (Daoudi & Nurcan) Each iteration is a small part of project needed to be developed under four phases – Inception, Elaboration, Construction and Transition. UP defines six disciplines in each phase to better manage iteration. These are - Business modeling, requirements, design, implementation, testing and deployment. (Satzinger & Others, 2005) Every iteration carry out different activities form all discipline and deliver an increment at the end of iteration. Each increment developed during iteration consists of added functionality as compared to previous increment. So, iteration itself is capable of accommodating any design or requirement modification. (Satzinger & Others, 2005) (ISQA 8220 Notes)... ...fied Process also relies on extensive documentation, tight control, re-usability and effective modeling. (Rational, 1998) At PrintAndCopy, current IT department is moderately sized and they rely totally on structured development methods that provide extensive documentation but structured development methods lacks flexibility. Also, structured methodologies are not cost and time effective. So, avoiding a major change in their current development practices yet adding more flexibility in development process UP would be best suited. UP will also allow IT team to re-use the existing developed components contributing to reduction in overall time and cost. (Satzinger & Others, 2005) Also, most of the IT employees are remotely located. This further aids to employee flexibility as this approach does not require frequent team and client meetings like scrum. (ISQA 8220 Notes)

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